Manage your Company Lunch Orders in Confluence

Order lunch via Confluence

Provide employees the comfortable option to order lunch in Confluence. Why use an other tool if you can manage lunches in the working environment your team is already using?

Detailed caterer view to manage lunch orders

Our app comes with a detailed menu for caterers where they can create meal plans, set prices, collect lunch orders, export order totals and more.

Embed meal plans in Confluences pages via macro

Display the data created by your caterer by using STAGIL Lunch Order macros. Show meal plans and offer lunch ordering where you need it.

More details

STAGIL Lunch Order features:

  • Set permissions and schedulers for your Service Team,
  • Manage different types of Meals and additional services,
  • Inform your Caterer about the lunch orders via email,
  • Let Employees and Guests order lunches via Confluence,
  • Close, change, and swap lunch orders,
  • Import your Employee data from your Finance system,
  • Export your order totals per Employee,
  • and more to come...!

Discover it now for free

and manage your company lunch orders

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News and Updates: 


News – STAGIL Lunch Order version 3.1.22.

Welcome to STAGIL, where we're constantly developing and refining our apps to help you maximize your productivity in Confluence. Today, we're excited to announce an update – STAGIL Lunch Order version 3.1.22.

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