Most government agencies agree that remote work is here to stay. While some workers may return part-time to the office once the pandemic threat has..

[Public Sector Teams], [DocumentDownload]

Most government agencies agree that remote work is here to stay. While some workers may return part-time to the office once the pandemic threat has passed, it’s unlikely that everyone will return to a 9 to 5, Monday-through-Friday, office-driven schedule. And, the pivot was smoother than predicted, thanks to agile technology solutions that made it easier to engage in a flexible way.

The ongoing process of shifting to remote work has changed the way we think about work. Agencies have been able to increase their talent options by hiring employees that are not located in the immediate vicinity of brick-and-mortar offices. And they have realized major cost savings on facilities and cost-of-living stipends. As a result, government team productivity has held steady or even increased over the last year.

Remote government teams need agility for successful collaboration

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