There is no doubt that today’s IT environment is more distributed, diverse, and flexible than ever before.

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There is no doubt that today’s IT environment is more distributed, diverse, and flexible than ever before. Our workforce and customers are inherently mobile and 24x7 multi-tasking is the norm. It’s not surprising to discover that the most successful companies are those that reliably fulfil millions of transactions in the blink of an eye, operate when it’s convenient for the customer, and deliver new experiences at an ever-increasing pace.

This new business reality demands that IT must “go faster” and be more reliable than ever before, but traditional operational models, organizational structures, and alerting tools are struggling to adapt. Today’s IT applications and infrastructure are very different from past solutions, and so too are the skills required to manage them. Outmoded practices often lead to tardy responses and poor business outcomes, which in turn lead to a reduction in customer loyalty or employee dissatisfaction.

Superior customer experience is the modern measure of success and great service depends upon the efficiency of incident resolution. As a result, incident management is now an essential competency for a thriving 21st-century business.

Modern Incident Management for IT Operations

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